Wednesday, June 13, 2012

christmas in july

Sew Festive Handmade 

Eep, I've signed up to do a christmas in july party!  Why "eep", well, it's my first time doing something like this, and, well.... I don't really cope well with Christmas. My family's only marginally christian and I'd say I'm downright atheist.  Christmas for me means guilt trips, scratchy clothes, disappointment, and more guilt trips.  So definitely put me in the camp of people who see christmas as something to trudge through with the aid of much sugar, caffeine, and ibuprofen (it's the only time I really wish I drank)!  Oh, and dreams of escape - not necessarily to somewhere warm, but at least to somewhere away.  Paris would be good!

So, July 9th when my tutorial goes up at Sew Festive Handmade, it's going to be something for everyone on your list who finds christmas a bit overwhelming, who needs a crutch. Oh, and it won't be red and green.  Homey don't play that.


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  1. It was really refreshing to see you happily claiming your atheist status here. As another atheist, I look forward to your unChristmassy Christmas tutorial!

  2. hahaha loved this post, can't wait to see what you come up with!

  3. ha! i agree with you. i love christmas but often am disappointed. i have vowed no more handmade christmas's at our house.

  4. Hahaha your post was the most amusing! I'm not religious either, so Christmas for me isn't about all that jazz, but rather the fact that people take a moment out of their day to remember other people. My project isn't red and green either!

    So you're in great company :)

  5. I love the festivities around that time of year and the holiday spirit, but I agree that the whole red and green, over-the-top Christmas can be a bit overwhelming. The holidays for my husband and I are usually more about the warmth and joy of the season and celebrating winter than the religious (or commercial) aspects of the holiday. I am excited to see your project!

  6. Bahahaha! I can't wait to see what you come up with. This is gonna be good!

  7. That's because this world has forgotten what Christmas is all about. Made me so sad when I read this, I wish you knew the same God I know. I wouldn't have been able to go through all this life has dealt me without knowing he was with me. Hope I didn't make you mad by saying this, love looking at all your quilting things.

  8. LOL! Homey don't play that. I love it! I can't wait to see :-D
